Monday, January 18, 2010


Mulai dari Highlinder(bener g?), abis baca critanya Edward&Bella bulan lalu, liat cintanya arwen dengan Aragorn pas nonton maraton Lord of the Ring weekend kemaren, trus barusan abis dengerin& merhatiin salah satu lagunya mas adhitia sofyan. Dan di pikiran saya juga sebenarnya sudah sering kepikiran hal ini..Brarti saya ga aneh kan?atau saya sama anehnya sama orang orang terkenal tadi?

Hidup kekal, di dunia yang sementara.(kalo di akhirat, kita ga usa bahas lah ya..) Tentu itu tak proporsional bagi individu yang mengalaminya, terutama manusia. benar bgitu kan? mari kita telaah sekarang untung ruginya:

untung: ga mati mati, bisa ntaran tobatnya, hmm, apalagi y?

rugi: siklushidupnya kurang seru,, klo jodohnya mortal piye?(dibaca:ironis) ,, BOSEN ga siiih??

pasti lebihbanyak lagi sbenernya.. yaah, betapa bersyukurnya saya diberi qadar 'mortal life'..

Secretly I’ve been in love with you

From the dawn of the days where the vampire roams

But you just couldn’t see it

I won’t appear on your mirror

And everyday in these thousand years

I’ve waited and waited

For one of these days I can see the light

And finally see you

So I’m sitting here singing immortal mellow

For it’s night slowly turns into life

I’m watching you singing immortal mellow

While I stand by your window tonight

But still in the end everything still falls

Every time that day comes to blinded the earth

I was thinking of staying

Just lay on the grass till its over

I want to touch you in bright of the day light

Where you say to my face that my spell’s finally broken

Lets see what they run after forever’s fall

In this underworld

(Adhitia Sofyan - immortal mellow)

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